
Showing posts from September, 2017

Checkout Items

The most annoying thing to me during shopping is when I have picked everything that I want from a store and I get to the counter and the cashier tries to lure me into buying a bottle of nail polish or a tube of lip-gloss. There are so many different items and most of them aren't necessary for anyone. From the store's standpoint, I understand why, the items are things you need to sell more of and items that aren't looked at if you put them on shelves. If I were a store owner, instead of putting them at the counter, I would place them on a nice display in the front of the store, by the door, so that people notice it when they come in and maybe while they are shopping they will decide to pick something up. Some places do have counter items that will cause people to make an impulse purchase, these are places like Winn-Dixie or gas stations where they really only put single drinks and candy. I think people that go into the store with their children will almost always make a pur


Experience. I recently (6 days ago) got married, where I decided and planned out every aspect of the wedding myself. I hired a few different individual vendors to cater and do the DJ services for our wedding. I am going into business because I want to open my own business so I wanted to hire individuals to see how they work and how I could learn from the experience. The catering business was a small family owned social media startup, I knew the sisters personally and wanted to give it a shot. To me it was a terrible experience but I learned a lot from it, I initially contacted the vendor and set up all services and gave her the date, time, and exact services I needed performed. Then again the week before I set up appointment and spoke with her about the same thing again and confirmed the amount she was asking for. Last, on the night of our wedding, and about 3 hours into their 'shift' she came up to me while we were in the middle of the reception and told me 'bye' tha

When is a customer wrong?

I am a FIRM believer in the saying "the customer is always right." With a couple of exceptions..... As a teenager, I worked at Full Moon BBQ in my hometown. It was a great job with even better customers on most days. Except for the customers that tried to find loopholes and take advantage of the company. For instance if someone ordered a family meal of ribs or pork and ate all or most of the meal and then called back to state that the food was cold and they demand a refund. The policy was that if you brought the food back and gave it to the manager he would throw it away and refund you. No food meant no refund. A lot of people would order the food and then call back to complain several hours later, how do we know the food was cold when you received it if hours had already passed? Most of the unhappy customers would say that if no refund was received that we would lose their business and they would also tell all of their family and friends to not choose to do business at Full

New Ideas

My dream business has always been to open a Salon&Spa. I have a file on my computer that is also saved onto a flash drive, with all of the ideas I have or see in everyday life. I take notes and research places to use when opening businesses and place the URL or thoughts into this file. I hope that when I am ready to open my salon this file will help me startup my business. I would like to create a business plan along with all the information I have obtained. When I go to any kind of salon myself I take a look at the products they use and how everything is set up. Once I get free time I look everything up online and start deciding what would be best for the pictures I have in my mind. Keeping this file obviously won't start the salon for me and I won't use everything I look into, I just think it's a great way to get creative ideas flowing and start getting my foot into the door so once I am ready I don't start with a blank slate. Also, my documents are saved as a way

Urban Living

The downtown area of my city has started building many lofts, and renovating the lofts that were already there, transforming them into beautiful and convenient places to live in. Many business can take advantage of the fact that many people are migrating towards this area. It's convenient and makes commuting to work and school a lot easier. In my downtown area, there is many hospitals, a college campus, restaurants, and easy accessible businesses. The area is much busier than surrounding towns, making it easier for businesses to draw in people that pass by. Personally, if I owned a business in this area I would make advertising a main concern because people see sales and promotions to take advantage of when they are passing by on a regular basis. I believe a coffee shop would be a perfect idea for a corner business downtown. People love the idea of a small family owned business and if you find the right location, you can bring in a lot more customers. A lot of the students that