When is a customer wrong?

I am a FIRM believer in the saying "the customer is always right." With a couple of exceptions..... As a teenager, I worked at Full Moon BBQ in my hometown. It was a great job with even better customers on most days. Except for the customers that tried to find loopholes and take advantage of the company. For instance if someone ordered a family meal of ribs or pork and ate all or most of the meal and then called back to state that the food was cold and they demand a refund. The policy was that if you brought the food back and gave it to the manager he would throw it away and refund you. No food meant no refund. A lot of people would order the food and then call back to complain several hours later, how do we know the food was cold when you received it if hours had already passed? Most of the unhappy customers would say that if no refund was received that we would lose their business and they would also tell all of their family and friends to not choose to do business at Full Moon BBQ. In this case, I think the customer is wrong. If you were actually served cold food and you wanted a refund, you would have called within the hour of getting the food and bring it back. Policies are in place for a reason and if the company was to give a refund to every customer who acted in this manner then the company would lose most of the money they made.

I feel like the customer isn't always right, but they are always the customer buying your products.


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