Competition Prices - Walmart

Recently I have started comparing prices in local stores that I shop in, it amazes me at how many deals you can get from just looking around to see what other stores offer. Walmart was mainly  guaranteed to have the best prices on popular items that people are in the market for, but other stores that aren't as well known had better prices on certain groceries. I changed the supermarket I get groceries from and saved $120, instead of going to Walmart I went to the local market and got everything I would have gotten at Walmart but for better prices. Most of the time when I go to Walmart I get busy looking at other items placed on end-caps and on displays and I find myself getting stuff I didn't even put on my list. Walmart may have competitive prices but the store set-up alone will make you spend double what I spend on just groceries. I have noticed that the prices at local grocery stores are close or even a little less than their competitors and most of the time they have sales going on that beat Walmart's prices. If shoppers would look around at other options they might find a way to save hundreds just by cutting out larger stores for grocery shopping.


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